Official website of the Municipality of Alonissos
Privacy Protection - Photo 1

Data Privacy Protection

Visitors are granted access to the contents and services provided by this website for personal use and information purposes only. Any use (by electronic or mechanical means, copier, recorder, etc.), reproduction or redistribution is subject to the written consent of the Municipality of Alonissos.

"" disclaims all liability in relation to the correctness or validity of the content of the website or its linked websites. Although every reasonable effort is made to keep such information up-to-date, "" is not responsible in any way for the correctness or completeness of the content published, and therefore disclaims all liability.

Personal data entered by users or visitors into particular forms of the website and data registered to the databases of "" shall not be used by or disclosed to third parties for any commercial or other use. "" shall not disclose any personal data to third parties unless such disclosure is required, in whole or in part, within the framework of legal procedures, by the competent governmental or judicial authorities and by law.